I remember last year in school one of my teachers had us make a little web page with HTML and CSS. She was confused when I was using an external CSS stylesheet. She thought all the CSS had to be in a style tag inside of the index.html file...

  • 8
    It was actually very surprising, I thought that a teacher teaching us how to make a website would at least know that. @Letmecode
  • 2
    Thank you for clarifying this for people that are not familiar with web development. @StefanH
  • 4
    @StefanH you know. I never knew there was any other reason apart from neatness. TIL!
  • 2
    @StefanH At the same time Google recommends that the above-the-fold content should be internal CSS.
  • 16
    Your teacher was preparing you for a horrific career in email newsletter design
  • 1
    @StefanH Plus so many additional benefits... (ie. Separation of concerns, maintainability, portability, easier mimification etc...)
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