
Hello, it's 2018, and your alternative software to make presentations, namely, Prezi Next, takes a lovely 1.7 Gb of ram, and randomly decides to take 40% of your CPU constantly whenever it wants.

I feel pillaged. Plus the software is crappy as hell.

  • 6
    Prezi is crap and looks very unprofessional. Don't use it. Please.
  • 3
    I feel your pain xD.
    But you need to know that unused ram is wasted ram 😀😀
  • 2
    @RememberMe well, no choice :(

    PM is 😍 about Prezi

    I made more interesting presentations on PowerPoint but she always wants to be different in the company
  • 0
  • 5
    And I'm not doing anything on it right now.

    Leaks leaks leaks, leaks everyhwere.

    Could make a soup with them.
  • 3
    Please don't use Prezi.

    It looks stupid
  • 3
    Don't think I've seen a Prezi presentation in years.

    Was all the rage when it first came out, but seems to have faded away---at least in my sphere of attention.
  • 1
    @platypus same...

    ... Until pm remembered she was paying a licence :D
  • 3
    @Phlisg Seems like it would take a lot more work to build one as well---as there's an addition transition dimension to design.

    Unless, of course, you just use defaults, but they why go with Prezi at all then?

    Yes, I know I'm probably preaching to the choir, but just thinking out loud.
  • 1
    @platypus the soul purpose of a prezi is to have this zoom-in effect. Ironically, in "Next", they sort of removed this effect and it isn't so different to a vulgar powerpoint now.

    Plus, compared to powerpoint, there isn't even 1/10 of all the features. And no document mask, which is a super bummer.

    So you're right, prezi doesn't bring you anything except hogging your system :)

    Now, onto finishing that shit haha
  • 3
    Hmm, do I smell an Electron application?
  • 1
    @PrivateGER it's definitely smellable
  • 1
    @Phlisg It smells like a melting RAM unit.
  • 1
    @PrivateGER it smells like melting RAM, all units. Southbridge and SSD start melting too

    (mmmh dat smell)
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