
There's so many cool technologies too look into now a days, but so little time.
-unit testing

Where do i download more hours to add to my days?

  • 4
    Pick your poison, you can't learn everything!
  • 1
  • 19
    Same place you download more ram, I suppose.
  • 3
    Out of all this, I suggest either go for PHP stack, .net stack or JS stack.

    If you can't decide watch some introduction video for all of them in YouTube.

    You can definitely use PHP stack and JS stack together but I'll say go with only one of them become expert at it rather than learning two stack.

    Laravel is a nice PHP framwork which itself is a complete stack.

    But in JS normally you would take different packages based on your need and fine tune it yourself.

    I have no idea about .net.
  • 0
    @sheeponmeth I Loled so hard at this thank you
  • 2
    My goals :

    1. React and es6/7. Even if you aren't a through and through front end guy. React code is soooo much fun to write :)
    2. An MVC framework of your choice that supports react. Because you might as well do it. Checkout meteor.
    3. (optional) templating engines
    4. A functional programming language. OCaml or Scala seems nice.
    5. Try to write a compiler of my own. for funzies of course.

    Btw docker and elasticsearch takes one afternoon to get familiar if you're comfortable using CLI utils.
  • 0
    same feeling here!
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    try BitTorrent..

    oh wait..
  • 6
    Unit testing should be top of that list.
  • 0
    Testing testing testing. And Python :)
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    Just Drop react and go with Vue.js instead. Thank me later:)
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    @dcode Vue.js for the win forever and ever 👍🏻
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    @ryanmat yeah but what about aurora? trolol xD
  • 1
    .net?? really??? am i missing somthing?
    docker is cool but i would put my most efforts into react and es6/7
    because react is the best and anyone tells you its not is a dushbag

    also because react native is the only (i think..) mobile native hybrid solution out there for now and going from react to react native is very natural

    and because the clean way react makes you use components (cleaner than angular 2 from what i saw)

    but mostly the first reason

  • 0
    @darthy react native is the facebook way of teleriks https://www.nativescript.org :)
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    Elasticsearch & MongoDB
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