my mind is multithreaded but can not physically execute more than one thread at a time.

i.e. i want to say 5 sentences in the same time bc im too lazy to wait and say them one by one after a specified delay of time, so i fuck myself over while speaking.

like atomic regions, i bust a few words from time to time from different sentences i have in mind and it ends up not making any sense to what im saying, but it does in my head.

so this is what too much covfefe and sleepless coding nights does to people

  • 4
    I have the same, my thought process is already four sentences further
  • 1
    This is too true.
  • 2
    Can you chew gum and walk at the same time?
  • 3
    Your mind is a queue, not threaded!
  • 9
    @filthyranter my mind is threaded, my mouth is queued
  • 1
    @SukMikeHok Your mind is just splitting up thinking time, duh
  • 6
    Not your fault, you're just I/O bound 😄
  • 5
    I'm a simple man. I see covfefe, I ++ :3
    That said, I have the same issue when I speak. I guess that I'm more of a keyboard person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 2
    Same, I have hard times chronologically telling stories. My mind goes through the entire thing but my mouth slows me down so much that I loose track where I am.

    One of my biggest flaws in presentation according to my retarded teachers was that I speak too fast and that they couldn't follow. (While I was already talking veeeeery slowly)

    Happened in both english and german because I am pretty fluent in english aswell.

    Meanwhile my friends kept shaking their heads behind the teachers backs.
  • 1
    This reminds me when I'm writing on a whitebord.

    Sometimes when beginning a sentence I write the second character in the word first.
  • 1
    @filthyranter Not really though, is it? The first thing to go in is not necessarily the first thing to come out i.e. mind != FIFO. So, array? Maybe a stack?
  • 0
    @beggarboy welcome to reality. Most people might as well be retarded.
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