
Does anyone know a single-board computer like e.g. the raspberry pi that features a physical on-board audio input as well as an output?

I know that GPIO-header-boards like e.g. the hifiberry or WolframAudio (which seems somewhat deprecated by now) exist. I could probably also alternate to an USB-soundcard, but I'm curious whether someone might know a more compact solution.

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    I've got a pi with a speaker plugged in and a USB webcam (with mic) to provide a microphone but that's not what you mean I think :P
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    @linuxxx than some soldering and its onboard as well
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    @ruhe Nice, thanks! :) Might be out of my price range but will look into that.

    @linuxxx Not really, no. :D Although that's a better alternative than thinking about doing a Pi Hat myself. (Nooooo, not another unfinished side project ... XD)
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    Other than soldering / plugging audio jacks into the GPIO rails, no idea to be honest. And it'd severely limit the bitrate and require some custom drivers to be written of course.. So meh.

    Let's just stick with a tactical 📍
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