For those keeping track of what inwas doing here: https://devrant.com/rants/1641742/...

Inhave been playing around woth fractals and making trees (although it wasnt 3 dementional) i have been taking time to learn things there regardless and had an attempt at making a landscape using Perlin noise procedurally generated by the computer

I am planning on releasing the code as soon as i figure out making these trees geberate at certain points of the land and firstly, make it branch in a 3 dementional space

Update of the land

Although i dont have the most time to so this and had to learn java in the process to move away from the limitations i had in the browser. It is a fun experiance and good break away from my actual job.

Ill see how it goes while working on this

  • 6
    Isn't that terrain from "the coding train" though?
  • 2
    I Love it ! Did you use p5.js? i've seen this kind of thing on CodingTrain yt channel.
  • 2
    @Awlex yup, i am planning to put my fractral tree in this space and have to get use to using java while doing this first. The tree originally was too but modified it to make it more realistic and it helped get an idea of what approach to take to do leaves ect.
  • 1
    @TrojanMorse that sounds kinda cool. Looking forward to it
  • 0
  • 0
    Maybe just specifie another angle for 3d just as you did with 2d. Or take a look at quaternions it might be useful too.
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