
Just watched Silicon Valley season 1.

Cannot stress how motivated I am to get stuff done right now.

Computer is starting up as I type this on my phone.

  • 6
    I am sure this will last for you
  • 3
    Season 2 was good too ....... :D
  • 7
    Ha, this did not make me productive. I continued to watch seasons 2 and 3 consecutively until I was done.
  • 1
    @drRoss True! The only thing I felt motived to do after finishing season 1 was to watch remaining seasons
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    Start compressing 😏
  • 2
    I just watched an episode of the Simpsons that was a tribute to Silicon Valley. Had the same intro and featured Aviato as well as having a TechCrunch Disrupt based storyline! Was fanboying hard.
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    Remember when he learned Ruby in a weekend
  • 2
    @ryanmat That's how everyone learns Ruby!!
  • 1
    you could write a program to figure out how to most efficiently jerk off a room if N guys
  • 0
    it's such a good show. I felt the same. let me know if you need help on that stuff. Lol
  • 1
    Silicon Valley motivated me so much last year when I was starting my programming learning, as well it made me laugh 'til cry (literally). Waiting for the next season. Mr. Robot is another one to take too seriously. Not a big fan of the drug abuse and the usual hacker "clichés", but it's a deep story and for fuck sake! the photography director made a supreme work!
  • 1
    @ivannieto me robot is great. Season 3 isn't amazing imo though.
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