
Buying PC components is one of the hardest decision I've made in my life

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    AMD for the win
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    10 different VGAs with such small diferences, Just to confuse you!
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    @philcr AMD has been a wreck for the last five years or more. Their products have been pretty bad on the CPU side without an architectural update in so long.

    I'm praying Zen is as good as they've been touting, we all need it, and the market has grown stale without the competition.
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    Absolute truth. Trying to navigate Newegg and work out the best components. Part of me wants to get one of their bundles, but I keep seeing components that I know I'd rather upgrade in there.

    ...and then there's price. Do I go just behind the curve to save, or is it worth it to stay on the curve to save in the long run.

    AAArrgh.. and those little M2 SSDs.. they're so cute, I want one, but I can't justify it... All I know is I NEED 2 monitors, maybe 3...
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    @sheeponmeth I've us d AMD since the k6-2, but performance isn't the main aim of my machines. Just being able to compile in something less than 4 days suits me.
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    The one with the shiniest RGB lighting.
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