
What do you guys think is a reasonable budget for a high end Pc?

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    I know you said high-end, but what specific type of process are you focusing or more of a multi-operational PC.

    But, just an estimate, around $800 for an average PC. But if your looking for more high-end, $1000 is about the price you will be looking at.

    I don't know for sure, but these are my estimates from my head.
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    @h3ll Im just stating an estimate for a base PC that will be pretty good at first and then have room for expansion. That is how I built my PC.
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    @firedrgn Also the part estimate would be dependent on what you are looking for. Especially with the idea of expanding the PC.
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    linustechtips YouTube channel featured recently a monster 30k dollar PC that's able to run 7 OS simultaneously. so yeah.. sky's the limit
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    @h3ll Sound cards are almost irrelevant now because of the quality of commodity digital to analog audio converters, but for those that want superior quality, USB audio is the way to go. There's so much electrical noise inside of computers, sound cards are a sham, they offer no real benefit over motherboard audio except for maybe higher impedance headphones, which some motherboards support anyways. The key to superior sound quality is either isolating the card (very expensive) or moving it outside the case in the form of USB.

    That being said, the built-in amplifier of whatever you choose should be good, otherwise you get degradation at higher output volumes. There are tube DACs for pretty cheap now, but you won't hear a difference unless you audio, cables, and speakers are quality as well. Any single point along the way can ruin the audio.
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    @tahnik a better question would be what's your budget, I bought a 2.5 quad core laptop with 8gb of ram and a ssd for $700. but I'm looking now and I'm looking into the $1200 range cause I'm looking for the same specs with a displayport. the price varies, these are for laptops. generally speaking you can build a powerhouse from anywhere from $800 to $60,000 but it all depends on your budget and what you use. if you get 128gb of ram and use 8gb it's wasted money, so you have to look at your personal use
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    @sheeponmeth Sound card is something I never compromise. A good sound card makes a lot of difference. I'm getting the Sound blaster zx.
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    @jckimble I'm looking at £1200/$1400
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    This kind of questions are difficult to answer as long as you are the one which knows his budget and expectations. Just expect to invest more than $1200, taking care of a good processor, a nice GPU, 32 gb RAM, a good and big SSD (prices here make te difference), any cool motherboard to hold all the stuff, full connectivity, fans... you're the investor. Build it modular, and compare prices online, this way you're getting what you want at the best current market price.
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    @kargaroth might i add that they were all running crysis at the same time as well...
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