What makes you wake up every day to go work?

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    My alarm clock usually or else the sudden realization that I overslept.
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    if i had to wake up every day to go to a job I would rather jump off a bridge
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    I'll assume you're asking what motives us to go to work everyday.

    For me, I like my job.
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    I like my job.
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    Getting paid is better than not getting paid, usually. If you actually like your job, you are lucky, but should know that it is a temporary state.
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    @ethernetzero, I personally agree with @monkeyboy and @sergiolarosa89 and I was wondering if there truly is something that makes people to go work other than money. Or, is it the number 1 motivation for all?

    I mean, if your boss come and say "Ok, we will pay your rent, bills, offer all meals in the office (including weekends, and from the best chefs), get you a limo to bring you here and back home every day, vouchers for clothes in 3 nice shops and $100 daily budget to spend in 3 bars of your choice, so you don't have to spend anything. Basically we will give all resources you need to survive nicely, but no money at all".

    Would you stay??? Would anyone stay in such conditions?
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    @gosubinit No. That's a really nice prison. But it's still a prison if you can't choose what to spend your hard earned wages on. To expand on what I said earlier though... Hopefully, you'll have a long career. Within that span of time, you'll have jobs you love and jobs that suck. The one constant though is that no matter your current satisfaction with your job, your compensation is a big part of why you do your job. When your job sucks, something it's the only reason. When you love your job, you may think about it occasionally and may even leave a job you love because higher priorities in life require more money. That's life. I'd currently love to ditch my cushy job with stupendously idiotic managers and work in a book store. However, I will stay at this crapfest while they will have me because I have a couple of kids about to enter college. That requires money I would not be able to make at the bookstore. So, maybe, when the kids are done with college, I'll revisit the bookstore.
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    My friends at work (=coworkers)
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    Bollinger bands.
    Force of will.
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