
Btw. I have never ever in my life touched a Windows machine. I wouldn't even know how to compile something.

  • 0
    @undef this is why we do it, isn't it?
  • 3
    I don't believe that you've *never* touched a Windows machine
  • 0
  • 1
    Well you used OSX apparently, so as most Apple users you just didn't go to the direct concurrence.
  • 1
    @TheOct0 someone's following my posts...
  • 1
    @felbit I just like to read a little about users when it's about habits and tastes, to have the whole story as much as possible :)

    EDIT: I should clarify, I read the few previous rants of an user when I'm about to touch the subject of habits
  • 0
    @1989 Well when I was saying "habit"... Let me clarify:

    If you said "I never usually watch YouTube videos" I'd say "Yet I can see two rants about those in your profile ^^" or something along those lines :P
  • 0
    @1989 What? No, just some of your rants contain YouTube links.
  • 0
    @1989 No you didn't, why would you think that? That was an example.
  • 2
    Even the biggest windows experts don't generally know how to compile something.
    Instead, everyone working with a certain program or language knows one or two compilers to do the job. At least in my experience.
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