
Ok ALDI but... Why....

  • 2
    I bet you could do some cool shit with that, but also wtf
  • 3
    I think we're not target audience
  • 0
    For the retro gamer ... DVD came with games first too
  • 1
    @karma But on Android?
  • 0
    I'm all for it. But I generally like weird hybrid tec x)
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    @sbiewald what a great time we are living in, rite
  • 0
    Think of all the porn dvd's you could watch
  • 1
    @rant1ng Ah yes, i to have an ornate collection of pornographic DVD's, keep them next to my hand crank tv
  • 0
    It's usefull for using dvds to etertain kids in the car. Like, if you have a ton of dvds and you don't want to put them all on your pc this is a good solution
  • 0
    @hasu I'm not knocking the DVD aspect, just confused as to what android adds to the equation
  • 0
    @lxmcf instead of just having a portable dvd player you can also play games or use streaming services I guess. More entertainment and options in one device
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