
Honestly stack overflow can be helpful but what's not helpful is when some unresponsive asshole puts your question on hold because you left out part of the problem but doesn't respond to you after you edited the post and fixed the questions problem. Like fuck am I ever gonna get it answered or do I have to wait for this fuck wad to say it's okay. At least with asking on reddit I get responses. Fuck man I'm probably just gonna repost.

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    I mean ... it's all people browsing SO in their spare time. Maybe that person came back to your edited question was was like, "Huh ... yea that should work. Still no idea."

    I've got some old unanswered questions on various StackExchange sites; some with multiple upvotes. Some are just stupidly difficult and I gave up and went with a different solution. Some are just for obscure stuff.

    You're not entitled to anything off a free site like SO. You are the product.
  • 2
    SO is not about getting answers, that's a misunderstanding. It has never been. SO was about answering trivial questions to get high rep. High rep could be used for finding jobs, though no employer in his right mind would want to pollute his team with SO assholes these days.

    The other use of high reps was that pathetic losers could get on a cheap power trip. Losers who are so pathetic that they are too stupid or lazy to start a real project and become an abusive project dictator because, you know, that would require actual project work.

    Since the smuggy assholes have reached enough reps, they have no reason to be useful anymore and all reason to keep out others.

    Of course, SO is already outdated and increasingly worthless for anything but basic questions, but that was the fundamental error of the project design from the get-go.
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    @Fast-Nop I never thought I'd read a rant in the comments of my rant
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