Feeling a bit ashamed. I can't even call my setup a multi monitor one.

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    Meh, workspaces > multimonitor.
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    @starrynights89 But not as productive. I have 5 virtual desktops that I always use.
    But this person has even more real monitors: https://devrant.io/rants/1675368
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    @SauceBoss I have a 27in monitor. It's enough.
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    @starrynights89 Typically I agree with this. But then I envy those who can develop a software/site while seeing the result without constant Workspace-Switching or ALT+Tab.

    @SauceBoss Yeah. A big monitor would definitely do the trick, too.
  • 0
    I've got one monitor on my desktop. Physically about the size of the iPad 2, resolution/DPI isn't great. Oh, and a B&W QVGA CRT monitor of like 3 inches that I use as a full-time resource meter. Got a nice old-timey dial skin on it and everything!
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