
Just now when I'm watching one of the many anime's I've saved onto my file server I noticed something.. all of their files are incomplete, and so are they on the NTFS mirror on this WanBLowS host. The files got corrupted. I recall that I used robocopy to place the files back and forth, and yet again it lives up to its expectations of it being a motherfucking piece of Winshit. FUCK YOU ROBOCOPY!!! If I wanted to fetch that anime yet again just to deal with your developers' incompetence, I'd have watched it online!! Meanwhile tell me, HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO DEAL WITH A NETWORK FILE TRANSFER THAT EVEN USES YOUR OWN SHITFEST OF A PROTOCOL, FUCKING SMB?!! MSFT certified pieces of shit!!!!

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    Msft copy + paste works well, have never had a file corrupt on my NAS. Well except for when the HDD failed and blew out the raid controller - no it was a Unix NaS 😏

    Mind you I’m “-“ this close to finding a Ms rep and throwing my brick of a laptop at them 😫
    Latest update bricked the fucker, fresh install + updates bricked it again, restore point + updates bricked it again, I give the fuck up with Ms, now to go find me a new laptop since this old fuck won’t run any Linux distro 😣
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    @C0D4 It isn't a drive failure. It's clearly something that happened during transfer, otherwise it wouldn't have occurred both on NTFS and the ZFS that my file server is working from. Luckily I have a third copy on another 1TB drive that's been largely unmaintained and independent. That one should have a working copy that I can restore from to fix WanBLowS' fuckup. From Linux to Linux, can't go wrong there.
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    @C0D4 Hah, regarding the edit.. looks like we're in the same boat. This Acer turd doesn't want to run any Linux either. The only thing that I was able to get running was an old Manjaro with a 4.7.6 kernel that I could then gradually upgrade to a custom kernel and maintain with my own config. From that I was able to migrate to Arch Linux as well.. but at some point I lost that config, and the Nvidia card on Linux is like ice and fire. Especially with my ultrawide display it's gotten pretty much impossible to make X work with this shit. Even in 2x 1080p it was already glitchy.. but in this current setup, all odds are off. I fucking hate Acer, Nvidia and Microshit for this.
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    I was very confused because I read "animals" instead of animes

    ( ̄ω ̄)
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    @Condor Acer + Windows, not on my next laptop short list, I have ATI chip in my current brick so I didn’t have to deal with that problem.

    Ended up killing updates and and fresh installed last years ISO I had saved. It works, it complains it can’t update, happy me for the time being.
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    Turns out that it's a problem in all of my replications, even the unmaintained LUKS medium. Downloading again from the source now, and replicating again. No idea where this stuff went wrong but fucking hell do I hate it. At least I'm downloading at full speed 60Mbps.
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    For whoever's interested, I've just fetched the new files and they're all different.. perhaps the ones I had earlier were 720p files (they're only 300MB a pop whereas the new 1080p ones are closer to 700MB). What I can tell is that they were all the way from November 2015. Time to replace them. No idea what happened to them, but on files from 3 years ago I guess that it's reasonable to say that they just got damaged or downloaded improperly. Whatever it was, it's fixed now and I doubt that robocopy is to blame for this.
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