
I dont know if I should hate it or love it that I had to teach "certified microsoft engineers" about how Exchange works.

  • 5
    Never found those certificates of benefit ...
    For me they are just something to convince business people why you should get a better offer

    They only help in giving general knowledge and configure several things.

    I did few courses of them and they only teach basics
  • 2
    @theKarlisK I suggest you this. Drop from last boss in M$ dungeon
  • 1
    @TRIPWIRE let me guess, a bot that mentions people via the tag idea?
  • 2
    Oooh, do give details!!
  • 1
    Certified pieces of shit they are 😒 flailing that piece of paper like it's the best thing in the world.. and still not knowing their own goddamn mailer! How the fuck those people even get themselves a job, I have no idea.
  • 0
    @theKarlisK I think so yes.. often do I see it being used as "far easier than Postfix". Not that that's very hard to achieve I guess. Some organization that I'm working with uses it for their mailers as well (and it's a complete clusterfuck). The self-proclaimed "tech guy" (who tried to format C: to make his PC faster, wtf) has contact with the IT chap in there. What I do know so far is that Micro$oft charges money for each mailbox you open on it. But I'll ask him about it some more when I see him next time. Meanwhile me, anything on my domain I want at no more cost than the domain and the servers, while they have to share mailboxes to save money 😂
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    I honestly dont get why companies are so afraid of getting a proper, cheap and easy emailsoftware.
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    @Linux Proper? Most certainly. Postfix and all its buddies have never even once crashed on me, which I think is amazing. It's a very reliable solution. Cheap? Well other than the servers and domain it's free.. but the time it takes to set it up!! Total pain in the ass to get it running. So yeah.. easy.. unless you're doing it daily for a living, it's a nightmare to configure without the help of something like iRedMail. I'd like to see more companies switch to Postfix though, especially now that iRedMail and its alternatives allow for a relatively painless setup.
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    Postfix is one thing, I meant a suit that replaces exchange, postfix does not do it byitself
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    @Linux by Postfix I mean the whole thing of Postfix, Dovecot, SpamAssassin, Amavis, ... but please spare me to effort of typing out the names of all of those on a phone 😅
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    But neither of them offer Push support (dovecot has a crappy plugin for it).

    soGO solves that
  • 0
    @Floydian only 5k to go 😁
    @Linux Push support? What's that?
  • 1
  • 1
    @Linux thanks! I've read about this earlier but due to the name being rather generic I wasn't sure whether it was correct. Looks like an interesting protocol. On my tablet I've set K9 to poll every 30 minutes but I don't like it.. quite intensive on the battery, on phones it'd also eat away mobile data, and it isn't realtime. Kinda sucks that this push email stuff isn't supported well. This'd be so much better.
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