
This is fucking hilarious

  • 12
    @Floydian It's weird though, once every few months they do some hard hitting in depth investigative journalism, and then they go back to "These five flavors of popcorn are loved by celebs"
  • 2
    I read it as **remove buzzwords from the internet** 😔
  • 0
    signed it... fuck buzzfeed
  • 3
    On one hand I'd love to sign it but on the other hand who are we to silence them? Isn't the Internet supposed to be free and shouldn't anyway me free to post whatever they want?

    Don't get me wrong, I hate clickbait titles. But I also hate retain topics but I surely wouldn't want to ban anything I dislike from the internet.
  • 3
    @Charmesal I was starting a comment like that but forgot to finish it.

    Fucking hate BuzzFeed but if I claim i support free speech, can't go around supporting the censoring of a website just because I hate the website, no matter how cancerous it is lol
  • 3
    @RantSomeWhere That logic applies to social media, yes.

    Taking down an entire website from the internet is pushing it. And then what's next? What if it snow balls into worse than that? Wikileaks?

    It's not something you should want to happen, because then it lays the ground rules for shit hitting the fan.
  • 1
    This thing will solve all your problems.

  • 2
    @Charon92 Right but who would actually enforce this ban? Clearly the government can't, because as we've established, that would be violation of the 1A.
  • 1
    @Charon92 if enough people believe it shouldn't exist then they shouldn't visit it. Let the thing collapse on itself. Unfortunately buzz words bring attention and their methods work. Or else it wouldn't still be around.

    This petition is a year old and only became real because of viral media.... the very thing these people are bitching about. Fucking sheep.
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