
You know that figurative bonner you have when working on new/exciting projects?

I used to be like that here...
Today I realized that I lost it a long time ago...

That sucks hard, every little script I do on the side I feel excited , every functionality I develop on the job is a fucking mirror of some other shit that no one uses on another mirror project that brings nothing new to the table.

  • 2
    Time for some new side projects then :3
  • 2
    @Condor yeah, always doing something on my own, some automated tasks and little things to keep the spirit high
  • 3
    You get new projects?
    😢 I want a new project too!
    I miss my excited boner.
  • 3
    @C0D4 haha no, I force new projects in my life to keep the sanity :)
  • 2
    @hell I get that.
    Got to keep the brain from going stale somehow.
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