
The other day, one of my cousin purchased a POS software for his bakery. He wanted me to look at it. Being curious, I did and found out that software was a decade old using MS Access as DB. He wanted couple of changes in the system and I did those in few mins.

Once I was done, he kept starring me like he never believed I could do that.

Moral: Your relatives never consider you a good programmer :-/

  • 42
    It always takes me a minute to realise POS means 'Point of Sale', not 'Piece of Shit'
  • 3
    Just be careful, your changes might be overwritten when he upgrades the software...
  • 2
    @linux-colonel I have a feeling in this case it is both.
  • 3
    @Hultan70 Do you really believe a decade old software would be upgraded? Interesting
  • 0
    @devRat it might very well be, POS systems don't get replaced very often, but more importantly: you didn't mention it was that age.
  • 0
    @devRat You never said it was that old, you DID say that your cousin bought it "the other day", so I assumed it was a product that was being updated. :-)
  • 0
    @devRat they are. they are just now getting security patches from 2006.
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