I just don't get it! How do you guys keep your filesystem clean? How do you organize!??!

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    That’s my secret cap, I don’t store a lot of files
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    @devTea And how would that be possible?
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    @ScriptCoded should’ve been I never organize it, my bad
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    There’s a search feature for a reason, beats me where half my files are 😆
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    Last week I started cleaning out my macbook. Up until now I have deleted around 30gb already..
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    @Cheeseus it tends to end in me resetting the computer 😅
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    Just don’t keep those year old projects on your machine. You can get them back whenever you want.

    I personally pay for github, and I even have misc projects that are there just to store crap in. Like “desktop-2017” would have all that shit from last year that I was too lazy to re organize.
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    @lewdogg Haha, that's actually a great solution!
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    Think of a good system before you start a project. Always keep it clean. Done.
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    @Dollique Well I can handle it on project level, though OS-wide - no way
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    Most work, school or side projects I keep in their own directory. All other shit gets organized when I have a moment where I have to wait for something like in the train.
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