
Hows that for a work setup :p one of my side jobs.
I love it very much <3

  • 2
    Your side job is being Captain Marvel?
  • 5
    @Cyanide not quite xD I'm working in a planetarium
  • 1
    @hasu Ah! Planetariums ❤
  • 4
    @hasu Also, if you suffix a question mark to your username, it becomes a sarcastic question in Hindi: Should I laugh?
  • 3
    @Cyanide wat .-. Why.
  • 1
    @S-Homles-MD wait so "hasu?" Is a sarcstic question in hindi? I didn't know. I just composed the name of a few things oO
  • 2
    It's a very old projector and we might get a new system in the next two years but oh boy is this thing fun! We have to fly it manually, so if you need to show the star sky over australia or smth you need to know how to get it there.
    Newer systems know this on their own.
    With this the operator has to know.
    One is so proud when one gets it right ^^
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