
Trying to get some Angular 2 tutorials but every one I find is based on an older version of Angular; either Beta or early Release Candidate. Ah well, I think this ship has sailed.

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    I'm looking for the same thing only with ES6. Nothing but one video.
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    Check complete guide to angular 2 in udemy from Max Schwarzmuller. Its updated to rc5 and he will keep updating it
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    I've found the docs on Angular.io are pretty good? I read the developer guide all the way through and that gave me a pretty good start
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    I've always liked code school because it is interactive and corny-funny enough to keep you watching the videos. They have an Angular 2 lesson.

    One fyi is they never get super specific. They stay high level.. But it's really good for learning the basics.
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    If you want to learn more specific things, search for egghead videos. He has an entire section on Angular 2. It's pretty dry but it's free.
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