That's the only thing I use it for. 😂

  • 3
    never understood why Microsoft created a new browser which looks exactly like their older, infamous browser... even the icon looks the same
  • 6
    @tysa not that I'm defending Edge (it does suck slightly less than IE, but still weaker than FF or Chrome), but ONLY the icon looks like their last browser. The UI shares absolutely nothing, besides an address bar and some standard nav buttons
  • 2
    @dontbeevil you're right my comment wasn't fair. To call it only "slightly" better than IE is an insult. It is fast and standards compliant and miles ahead of IE. My main issue has been whenever I give it a chance it disappoints me after a few days whether it's from the whole thing crashing when a tab locks up or a missing feature (or extension), I always end up going back to FF or Chrome. Every few insider build I'll give it another try, and it's matured significantly. Still #3, but it's getting there.
  • 2
    edge is a good browser. it even supports more es6 features than the rest.
  • 0
    @holyxiaoxin easy to ship cool new stuff when your user base is so limited!
  • 1
    @holyxiaoxin Edge does not support more ES6 features than Chrome or Safari : https://kangax.github.io/compat-tab...
  • 1
    @tysa I heard that Microsft planned to make their new browser name + icon something cool and up to date, but they quickly realised that the majority of non-savvy computer users know that 'e' = 'The Internet'. So they decided to keep the icon very similar so they don't confuse people who aren't clued up
  • 0
    @MatthieuLemoine ahh. it's been some time since I take a look at that chart. but not too long ago edge was 80+% while chrome was still 70+%. but glad that they caught up. (: still, 95%! compared to wtfuk IE11 11%.
  • 0
    @pepsinmentos well, then they took the easy route instead of taking the risk they should have, because eventually, the noon tech savvy people will become enough tech savvy to know what browser is really savvy.
  • 3
    @dontbeevil it maybe, but the Google integration in chrome just beats every other browser on the planet.
    regardless of where I use it, once I put in my Google ID, everything feels like home 😀🏠👌
  • 0
    @adamp I agree, but you can't really beat chrome (especially with the Google login and other apps)
  • 0
    would upvote if it didn't incorrectly say "install" rather than "download"
  • 0
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