
Ya know I'm getting really fucking tired of this female only shit in the tech field. Like yes, there's a representation gap in the field. But you ever think it's because lots of females just don't want to fucking do it?

Most of the females I graduated high school with are going for something medical, teaching, and other fields that allow lots of human interaction and helping people. (You sure as fuck don't see people breaking their neck over the misrepresentation of males in the nursing or education field, do ya?)

You know who needs fucking attention in the tech world? Small towns. There's no fucking actual computer classes in any of the fucking high schools near me. Not a fucking thing. I had one class but it taught me how to use office software (word, excel, access, the whole shitfest).

But noooo let's just fucking focus on one specific group and everyone else gets fucked over.

Not to mention, a lot of the females here (at least from the ones I've read) just want to be treated like normal people.

I'm tired of this bullshit. Fuck every bit of it. Don't even care if it makes me a fucking dick. It's unnecessary sjw bullshit.

  • 10
    Although I agree with some if your points...calm down.. truthfully it's a "full duplex"(pun intended) relationship...yes some girls choose the easy way, away from STEM field but we look down when the other half actively pursue it...at least in my country stills happens...
  • 25
    I thought Silicon Valley did a good job on that topic.
  • 15
    I agree, imagine going full equality and create men only events and shitz.

    The SJW would go crazy! Let's do it just to piss them off
  • 18
    Well I study in a female only techincal University (there are veryyyyyyyyy few of them ) 😅 🤣 and every event every opportunity is ipso facto female only. Not that we get any special attention or something. We are barely getting any of the female only benefits 🤣. Everyone's equal,and i really like that.
    While I have seen women in other Universities getting preferred over more talented men,getting more opportunities or getting things easily. I feel it's really unfair for the guys.
  • 2
    Sounds like you're in your 2nd or 3rd year of college then. I've started my senior thesis with 10 other students and half the class is made up of women. It hasn't really been a topic at my school since I started a while back.

    When it comes to programming deficiencies that's true. I started learning to program at 23, got good at 26, and only at 29 do I feel competent enough to get a job in it. And my current thesis is being built using frameworks that my OWN COLLEGE NEVER TAUGHT US. That's right, my entire skill set in Java and JS is self-taught, and that's what I'm submitting as my thesis at the end of the year.

    Schools are still 1/4th of the way to actually having competent programs for IT STEM majors.

    Still, you do have to acknowledge that many IT careers have a severe gender imbalance, and changing attitudes about that will help the industry expand itself. I personally don't really care to work just among men at a 40 hour job.
  • 18
    I have 2 teenage sons. One is applying to colleges. A couple of nights ago my wife went on an epic rant. She had just spent hours combing through merit based scholarship and grant descriptions. Every single one of them had eligibility requirements that included ethnicity and or gender. Exactly zero of them included white males as eligible. Modern day identity politics absolutely suck. People can't seem to grasp that the promotion of gender or race in the pursuit of idiotically meaningless diversity always means that others are being excluded based on their race or gender. It is a whole culture of racism and sexism that claims to be exactly the opposite.
  • 10
    @monkeyboy it legit sucks to be a white male now a days.

    Its even worse if you are a heterosexual white male.

    Like...how dare people be white? Or males? <------ retarded mentality
  • 4
    Preach brother!!! This whole inclussion thing is doing the EXACT opposite
  • 3
    @monkeyboy Ya know I wanted to take this rant in that direction but I figured not today and just cut it short. I've got quite a few words for that subject my man.
  • 6
    @starrynights89 I'm on year #2, yep. I don't wanna work with a buncha sweaty neck beards all day long, but instead of trying to give women the opportunity to explore the field, why not let everyone? Because I'm tired of the bullshit where everyone's acting like as a white male that I'm presented with every opportunity for anything I want. It's pure fucking bullshit. I wouldn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life if it wasn't for the fact I'm passionate about computers and discovered programming and cyber security BY MYSELF.

    There's a severe gap between technology majors in rural and urban communities. Why not address that, since it's not being (by definition) sexist, like these all female things are. (I don't give a shit nor do I actually think it's sexist, but by definition it is sexist).

    It just pisses me the fuck off that I now have to decide for sure do I really want to major in CS or IT. Because it'll mean I have to move across the state away from my family members.
  • 8
    @starrynights89 But nah let's just focus on one group of people and everyone else can get absolutely fucked over.

    @ThatDevGuy26 I'm not calming down. If someone goes on a tangent rant about the lack of females in IT and STEM, they're a fucking hero. Well now I'm going on a tangent about the lack of rural representation in the IT and STEM field.
  • 8
    @ceee If it helps make me less of an asshole, I dislike the idea of an all male or all female school lol.

    I'm all for being inclusive until it starts fucking more qualified people over. That's where I draw the line.
  • 6
    @AleCx04 It really is man. And it's only getting worse. I could probably rant for hours but it'd likely get me banned since 95% of what I'd have to say wouldn't be anywhere close to tech related.

    But this subject makes my blood boil sometimes. And it hit me just right today, I guess and it made me finally snap lol.
  • 5
    @odite Silicon Valley definitely hit the nail on the head for how it should be. But sadly it's not going to be entirely like that.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet I agree, I found it more of a funny comment to pandering corpo's getting equality a bit skewed.
  • 6
    In my experience "Women in Technology" is really more of a buzzword. They don't actually give two shits about it. If they have a female only hackathon (I went to one as a mentor), they pat themselves on the back for BS like "Yelp but for complaining that you were discriminated against because of your sexuality" even though innovation was one of the main criteria. I mentored an awesome group of capable folks that made an excellent app and they got so many compliments at judging time but they didn't even get close to a shout-out because it didn't suit the agenda. The group that won pandered like hell.

    I've also purposely applied to jobs that ask for my gender (I have pretty good experience for a student) and I've gotten rejected from all of them. The ones that didn't ask called back. Women do want to go into these fields but by high school there's a connotation associated with it. If you have an open minded, hands on experience from a younger age, you're more willing to go for it.
  • 7
    Basically my point is, there's only the illusion of more opportunities for women, in reality if you're a legit passionate programmer that doesn't pander nonstop and pretend that they're engineers when they're basically just digital artists, we're not any better off than the white males. At least where I live.
  • 5
    @mordax It's sad that this is basically where we're at.

    People bend over backwards in the name of equality but their entire actions are discriminatory.
  • 7
    @Stuxnet What's worse is that the non female hackathons I go to sneak in the idea by forcing only female presenters (which I really wouldn't mind but they clearly didn't present well or have any knowledge on the topic).

    The condescension I cannot deal with. I was networking at a sponsor table (had a woman in it, didn't get this treatment from guys) and we were chatting and she asked what I was studying. I said software and she changed her tone immediately and went "oh my god! Good for yooooou! That is so impoooortant." I really felt insulted, I'm not a three year old that learned to take a shit in the toilet for the first time.

    Now I go out of my way to avoid female dev meetups purely so I don't get talked down to or be associated with the "Woman engineer" label. :/
  • 4
    @mordax It pisses me off when people talk down to me like I'm a kid (I have a baby face lol) if I'm out doing adult shit in public.

    Fuck off I'm a grown man. I can bake a pizza in the oven. it's not impressive to see me buying groceries by myself.

    For that reason, I don't fall breaking my back trying to kiss ass of the females in my CS and IT classes. It's genuinely just another student for me. (Not like I even talk to my classmates a lot, but when I do, I act like I've seen a girl before lmao).

    It's really just an extremely frustrating subject that can piss me off really quickly lol.

    It's ironic how these groups are trying to be inclusive but they tend to be repulsive for the groups they're targeting
  • 3
    Agreed and it’s not meant to be mean it’s just stating something that should be said.

    And I also agree with the classes in small towns. We have one computer science class in our school this year and it is taught by our Ag teacher.

    Fucking sucks
  • 3
    @Stuxnet as I said they are veryy very few. And I do believe in a country like mine where women have been suppressed and still are. A few all women universities don't hurt. ( Also a country where reservation based on caste (bullshitt #1 ) prevails, I'd not into that, you'd probably feel less pathetic though )
    And you know how the female only University helps ?
    They are usually govt owned, that implies nominal fee.
    Private institutes, high fee.
    You know what happens ? So many people in here don't give a fuck about paying exorbitantly high fees for the education of their daughters ! They'll do it for their sons tho. They'd not get their daughter admitted to a private technical institute so that she can study CSE, they'd tell her to go do some random graduation course.
    So, if it's not a govt College ,they might never get the opportunity.
    All women universities even though they are so few actually help so many women.
  • 7
    @Stuxnet in a first world country like yours, people have barely had the taste of the discrimination and the suppression. Women only stuff is probably not even needed.
    Here it is probably is.
    Maybe 30 years later ,it isn't . But right now I feel it is actually genuinely helping.
  • 5
    I'm all for equal opportunities, but not for equal outcome. When a woman wants to become a dev, there should be no artificial obstacles for her as individual, and in Western countries, we have long reached that. But when women as group just decide mostly against becoming devs, that doesn't warrant any action because it's their freedom.

    Besides, gender discrimination against men is still sexism, and racial discrimination against whites is still racism. To top it off, that discrimination even harms real female devs because where that is in place, they are in an uphill battle as they have to fight off the impression that they are just diversity hires.
  • 0
    @mordax Same here from experience. I've had more luck applying for jobs where merit was factored in first then fitting a checklist.
  • 1
    @starrynights89 I wonder how companies think they can stay competitive otherwise.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop I mean, I guess an exception for that would be like looking for jobs overseas. When I graduate I plan on looking for work in Berlin and they do make a legit effort to post their listings in English first and German second. I do plan to take on German if I work out there, but it's not advertised in most tech jobs as a necessary skill.

    Also equality of outcome is utter cancer. Any government that starts advertising that and I'm straight up leaving.
  • 0
    This answer from Gayle Laakmann McDowell explains (way better than I would) why some "no-men-allowed" events are not sexist. It's worth reading really.

    This fragment, for instance:

    "Consider, for example, a scholarship offered exclusively to students who are poor. None of us have any issue with that. But if it were a scholarship offered exclusively to rich kids, then many of us would object. Is this a double standard—different standards for poor people vs rich people? No, because the situations are totally different.

    Now let’s consider a group exclusively for women in tech vs. a group exclusively for men in tech. Societally, the former is considered okay whereas the latter is not. Is this a double standard? Nope! The situations are totally different."

    In the comments section she goes further.

  • 1
    @starrynights89 it's rather the other way around. If you are in Germany and want a tech job, fluent English is more and more expected. That's a necessary work skill, so you'd score well - unless you're from rural Texas and would have to learn English yourself. ;-)
  • 4
    Almost this entire thread warms my heart.

    Glad to see there's some sanity in this world yet.
  • 3
    @antorqs the difference is that poor people actually do face (economic) hardships while for women in tech, it's not artificial hardships that keep them out, at least in Western countries, but their own free choices. That's why it is a double standard.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Iowa, born and raised. The Midwest is famous for its lack of accent. 😅

    I wanted to go to the west coast originally but the area is just expensive as hell even in "affordable" Seattle.

    Never been to Texas. That state is pretty much its own culture.
  • 0

    Sometimes we fail at understanding a problem when it doesn't affect us.

    I personally think that these efforts are valid. A group of -dev-women-only- works not only to give exposition to the women already participating in tech, but also to encourage other women to take part in STEM.

    Maybe in western countries these inequalities are being solved, or at least are not so serious but in the rest of the world there's still a lot more work to do.
  • 1
    That sucks!
  • 1
    I do supports efforts like "Blind Recruitment Processes". I think they are examples of the balances we should all aim for.
  • 0
    I agree with the small town thing, but not the woman thing. That is an HR nightmare.

    I think we need to start teaching kids how to build the tech and not just use it.
  • 5
    @antorqs Sexism (noun) - prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, on the basis of sex.

    Telling me I can't come to an event or apply to this job because I'm a male is, by definition, pure sexism.

    As I said, I don't give a flying fuck, but it's definitely sexist by definition.
  • 2
  • 1
    @antorqs except when it has the opposite intended outcome, I think in Australia they tried that but ended up removing it because women were hired less.
    @Fast-Nop Totally agree, even on undeveloped countries like Mexico where people still have the choice to study what they want there is disparity in the tech field and it grows larger the more developed and free a society becomes because personal choice average preferences accentuate when all other factors are minimized.
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