
Once upon a time, devs were evaluated on the number of source lines of code written, and how many bugs were found and fixed. Needless to say, a ten line piece of code became 150 lines, a couple of bugs would be thrown in for good measure.

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    I think IBM was pretty big on that. I heard people would write hundreds, sometimes 4 figure lines of code.
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    DoD did as well, but then again, there was a lot of collaboration between IBM, DoD, and Perot Systems.
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    @xroad not uncommon to see COBOL programs with as much as 2k lines, even today. I have heard of a legacy code having 20k... It was a multi function module doing everything from validating user input to applying several business rules depending on the input. Worst practice to say the least, and imagine having to work with limited 23 lines per page on a terminal screen.
  • 1
    @alandemaria 2k likes of code in a day? Holy...
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