
I should really learn C

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    @neumann To write better code and to understand what's _really_ happening when I get helped to numbness by the JVM for example. I feel like I've hit a plateu where I don't actually learn to write better, more precise, code. Instead it comes down to more language specific techniques and tools
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    @BoomeH thats a great reason to learn it
    you should always know what happens one level below
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    Assembly or bust!
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    @BoomeH If you haven't already, "The pragmatic programmer" might help you leaving your plateau. The hard thing with C is memory management, and the fact that it really doesn't help you staying organized.
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    @aceface machine code or bust
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    @Gauthier Alright, thanks for the tip!
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    did you know that existence is written in c? and black holes are segfault errors?
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    it is easier to debug a seg fault than finding a missing semicolon
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    Next week I'll write an exam about c and assembler (inline), stack, etc
    I'm shitting my pants
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    @SLiX are you german :)
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    Don't get me wrong - avoid C and go straight to C++ If you don't, some bad C habits will persist when you go to C++

    And, in a very loose and broad sense, C++ is superset of C, so, when you know C++, you can say you also know C.
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    @cors, yes I am. How do you know?
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    @SLiX "writing an exam" is a direct mistranslation from the german phrase :) it sticks out, and it's cute.
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    @cors haha nice, whats the correct verb for that?
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    @firusvg If OP wants to learn what's "really happening", for example in terms of memory management and pointers, they're better off with C than C++, especially a modern version.
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    @Gauthier Oh, I didn't see his reply. But, if OP really want to learn what's happening under the hood, perhaps he should go with assembler?! ;)
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    @SLiX i'd say i "have" an exam, but i'm not a native speaker either, so somebody else might give a better clue. i like these mother language signatures though, they give chatacter to speech and it's ok to have them i think.
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    @cors I thought black holes happened when you divide by zero? And yes, one would say "I have an exam". 🙂
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    I should really learn C++ 😀
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    @firusvg okay, Ill check it out 😊
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    I learned C++ in college. Once I got into the "real world" I never came close to touching it.

    Recently, I stumbled upon some old homework assignments using C++ and thought to myself "I bet I could destroy these assignments now with all my experience"

    I start a new C++ project. Within 5 minutes I realized how little I remembered about the language. I could have done the assignment in less than 30 minutes in C#, but I found myself researching some very basic stuff.

    Embarrassed at my lack of knowledge, I decided then that I was going to re-learn C++. I had much the same motivation, to break some of the bad habits more managed languages can create, and trying to write better more optimized methods.

    Goes a lot faster doing a refresh than learning it for the first time. So far it's been very satisfying and inspiring. It really is a huge advantage to know a "lower" high-level language that doesn't do everything for you!
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