
Webdevs: do you prefer Google Chrome (or Chromium), Mozilla Firefox or something else for the default webdevelopment and why?

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    Back in the days: FF. now Chrome.

    - I never ran into ram problems like many people seem to do. For me it's the complete opposite, chrome is light as fuck compared to firefox, with that: chrome w/ tons of extensions still starts up faster than clean, historyless ff
    - ff devtools fucked up 1-2 years ago, made it impossible to select elements correctly. dunno if this issue still exists but it was _a_ main reason to switch
    - This whole newschool html5/canvas stuff is way more performant on chrome
    - Chrome feels better. That's completely subjective but a reason to use it for me.
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    Chrome network tab shows failed requests, ff doesn't.

    That is the only thing I need
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    Chrome, because firefox is absolute trash when it comes to actual webdev, it's tools are the most well-defined abomination and clearly not the focus of their development team - just compare even the viewport tools and you'll see a clear difference.
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    I'm using firefox and brave, i won't touch chrome
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    I use Chrome, but I have to admit Firefox is pretty nice as well. I often switch between both.
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    Google chrome. As it’s the first (I think) to ship implementations of new web specs and has a nice auditing tool(Lighthouse)
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    @mundo03 That's really sad 😅
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    Chrome. I should admit that I haven't used Firefox that much, but one thing I know for sure is that Chrome runs a whole lot smoother, even with a ton of extensions. The dev tools are pretty nice, and chrome supports CSS grid now too. They're pretty good at implementing new specs. And then, of course, I'm deep down the Google-hole 😅
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    Chrome, because of the tools.
    But that's it. I don't use it for browsing, only for development.
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    @ScriptCoded Chrome has grid view now too?
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    I use Firefox myself. I start using it a few years, because it felt better than Chrome. Now I'm used to it, so it's hard to change.
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    Chrome, I used to use firefox back when Firebug was hot
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    @S-Homles-MD pff, poser, mosaic was the best playa
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    @jonathands haha, Firebug yea 😜
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    Firefox. Works the best for me as for developer console and such.

    Sometimes Chromium as well, Chrome can go fuck itself.
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    @jonathands oh damn boi, the firebug days.
    Firebug was like _the shit_.
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    @nitwhiz @unknown @jonathands good old firebug and http request add-ons times haha

    I remember a lot of DIY webdev "IDE" projects had firebug for debugging and source viewing inbuilt
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