
Please stop saying, "stock Android." What you mean is AOSP, and no phones from any manufacturer come with it. Stock means it's in the original state that the manufacturer intended, filled with bloat, whether it's Samsung, Google, LG, Xiaomi, or whatever.

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    I've always referred to it as "pure" Android when talking about it with friends.

    Close enough to vanilla lmao
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    Can we agree upon "stock turd filled with half digested Bloatware" as a compromise between brevity and accuracy? Because that's what I call manufacturer ROMs and I'd hate to change my nomenclature to something even more NSFWCC.
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    The bloatless product may be what Google built, but it isn't what they release on Nexus/pixel devices.
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    Android is almost nothing without gapps
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    I had a Nexus 5. It was still totally Google-branded.
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    AOSP/Stock Android == android.googlesource.com
    Android One == few changes
    Anything else == bloated crap

    I also miss the nexus series... Just saw that the source of Pixel 1 is online, thought it was closed source...
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    Excellent! Maybe that'll be my next one.
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