
Do you ever feel so down that you realize you've been writing shit code which does nothing productive and you've been just reinventing the wheel? Like, being in a confused state of being doubtful and afraid of being outdated coz you don't know any future proof tech? I'm in the final year of CS undergrad and this feeling sucks.

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    Comes with the field, personally I think if it's there for longer even post-job and post-improvement you're maybe just not made for it.
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    As (I think) @xaero is saying; the best takeaway from programming is not necessarily knowing the entire ins and outs of a particular language. But rather the skills and ways of thinking that you require to apply this knowledge to your particular task.

    As technology evolves or changes, frameworks will tend to come and go. But the skills required to apply any new language/framework to your particular problem is your key.
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    Thank you people. You guys are awesome. I just received my GitHub student pack in the morning which I didn't apply 2 years back as they asked for mandatory college email back in those days and our clg didn't give us one.
    I applied a few days back again. Their mail and your comments made my day awesome. Guess I'll stop the depression phase and do something productive. :)
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