
A few hours ago I decided it was a good idea to to clean up my keyboard. I did so and took a walk leaving the keys to dry.

After I came back I hoovered the -board and decided to put back the keys. I started with the special keys since they were the easiest to find (and some required a metal thing).

Now, I was quickly made aware of something that I had never known nor noticed before. Bear with me here as I'm not a person that cares too much about hardware unless I need to. (Hardware here meaning stuff like mice, keyboards, headsets, and stuff like that). But I learned that

Not all keys are the same size. They look really similar to someone like me. But I manned up and put the keys back.

A little under 1.5 hours later and I now posses a keyboard that is in uncanny valley. It doesn't feel like it though, and it shouldn't be that big of a problem since I never look at my keyboard anyway.

Messaged one of my m8's about and this was his reply

one kind per row
usually says the row on the underside"

Now fantasize about the elasmobranch fish which is characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton of which I am the proprietor at what he said. I pulled a key out and, sure enough, "C28 R1".

Now I am not sure about the 28th column, but it did fit in the first row.

Fuck me

  • 12
    Did the same, but my keyboard is the pro edition that has stuff printed on every key so that reassembly was easy.
  • 18
    Throw the whole thing in a washing machine and give it an hour, that'll fix it right up.
  • 2
    @starrynights89 kinda like the infinite monkey hypothesis, isn't it ? It'll take more than an hour though.
  • 2
    "characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton"

    lost it there, thanks for the great laugh of the day
  • 2
    I spilt milk in my keyboard. That was fun.
  • 2
    @ceee If I keep disassembling it and reassembling it with a text editor open I will eventually have written one of Shakepear's plays :v
  • 1
    @inaba yeah ! Go for it !
  • 0
    I, too, have made this mistake. You really don’t realize how differently shaped/sized the keys are until you put them in the wrong place.
  • 0
    @CoffeeNcode Aww yeeee. Lemme just give you that sweet 8.917k!
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