
Just curious why I see so many devs drooling over Lenovo devices... I personally think they are some of the worst designed hardware around but seems like I'm in the miniscule minority here...

  • 4
    They are the most supported, stable and best robust designed devices out there - not the new ones though, those are garbage.
  • 0
    @JoshBent I will give them they are rugged, main reason why when I worked at a school we swapped from Dell to Lenovo but maybe I've just had bad experiences leave a sour taste in my mouth...
  • 1
    IBM ThinkPad was the first office computer that broke the rules and was black. So it's an icon.

    My experience of the current models: doesn't work properly but gets the job done kinda.
  • 2
    @electrineer maybe they should try a new color again, maybe that'll solve the issues ;)
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    At work we got ThinkPads and there's not much to complain from my side. Never had any problems with hard or software..
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    I have a T480s, and have accepted it's probably not as bombproof as my old T420. The screen is not great, but it works fine indoors. However, the keyboard is stellar and it comes with a 3 year warranty like any £1000+ machine should do (*cough* Dell *cough*). It seemed to me the only advantage of a comparable XPS was a better, high-resolution screen. However, I'd rather not have the hassle of scaling in i3 + Linux, since 1080p 14" is already really small.
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    @jackhartley Could be wrong about Dell screen resolution, I seem to remember it was harder to get the specs I wanted though
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