Attention Europeans:

Your government sucks.

  • 22
    If you're American prepare for a shit show of people talking shit lmao
  • 15
    Wouldn't that be government in the plural sense? The EU by itself isn't a government but a collection of member states from various governments.
  • 3
  • 6
    @starrynights89 which votes and passes legislation. Sounds like a government to me
  • 5
    It cant suck if it doesnt exist lol
  • 2
    @Artemix how's your internet over there? I heard it's as shitty as your oppressive tax rates.
  • 1
    @Artemix for now.
  • 4
    @Jilano not a troll, I just think European government sucks.
  • 13
    Americans can say all they want but we do not have trump as president 👌
  • 9
    *sits back and watches the squabbling from the comfort of a country not developed enough for people to really care about such issues, apart from net neutrality which we do uphold*
  • 2
    @RememberMe I’m definitely staying out of this, but where do you live?
  • 1
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    @Orni delhi, india
  • 2
    Well the big platforms are US American. Therefore, they don't offer well-paying jobs to European politicians, which is the legal form of bribery and main way to take influence on their decisions.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Pretty much. Not much incentive for the government to work on the side of many major companies.
  • 3
    @Orni India, as @ganjaman so helpfully pointed out.

    @ganjaman saar thnk u for raferance saar 'ood u like new wabsite only 10 dollar saar
  • 1
    Think he is ranting on article 11 and 13 some copy right law. Making. Copy left hard
  • 3
    @1init yeah, what a shitshow. Despite public outcry and disapproval, they pushed it through. Representative democracy indeed.
  • 1
    @segfault0xff you dislike EU gov like lot of european does, take your number! 😂

    anyway, this passed today is not a law, is a directive, every state will have one or two years (don't know) to interpret and implement it.
    we still have to see what chaos comes from gdpr, but this time EU states will surely be "united and coordinated to overcome problems of the digital age" /sarcasm

    edit: typo
  • 1
    Where did you find the fact about our internet beeing bad?
    Atleast not in Sweden.
    I got 500 mb/s for around 30$.
  • 0
    @elwd all the rants on here bitching about their internet connections
  • 1
    No shit sherlock!
    Tell me when we had a GOOD ONE!
  • 1
    @linuxxx kinda makes it hard to argue when we have him as the president, I will give ya that much.
  • 0
    @Jilano one of the craziest things really. Complete bs and makes people's votes irrelevant :(
  • 1
    eu has been doing bullshit recently
    it looks like they want to transform into bullshit
  • 1
    Brexiiiiiiiiiit <3
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