Haha. That'd actually make sense for religious people.

  • 9
    i am a religious person and yet i am a victim of stupid religious person or cult. i was made this app which have 18 buttons, organized in 3 rows and numbered from top to bottom :
    1 1 1
    2 2 2
    . . .
    6 6 6

    and one week there are a groups from my friend's circles that chat around after church which 3 of them happens to be a worker of my client's company. when i passed by they pull jacket, pointing and yelling at me that i am cursed for using satan powers. "curse you and curse your <my app name>".

    i am converted since then.
  • 2
    I see a Turk, I ++
  • 2
    @wowotek go to English school. Pronto.
  • 2
    Besides of that, LOL.
  • 3
    @telephantasm I have seen worse
  • 4
    @jAsE I really hope that's an attempt at humour...
  • 0
  • 1
  • 1
    @wowotek that was sarcasm if anyone didn’t get it
  • 1
    The symbols don't matter while they do what they wanted to do...
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