

I just fucking hate people that have 10 years without talking to me and write me to ask for a favor.
Starting like: hey man how are you doing? Like you give a fuck about the shithole I'm at, just tell me what a fuck do you want and let me go back to my life.

  • 0
    Won't u do the same in a similar situation??
  • 1
    There are people whom u don't talk to in years but they do wish you on fb on ur bday..
  • 0
    Hell no, I just go straight to what I need, I would feel like a hypocrite if I where to ask someone so much shit without giving a fuck
  • 0
    Pretend u havn't seen their message 😁
  • 3
    I don't mind helping them actually, I love to help people, but don't bullshit me or yourself, that's what bugs me
  • 0
    @rgomez I'm with you in that. It's very annoying when ppl try to continue dead conversation just because they want their work done by us and they think directly asking for help would be rude. I mean c'mon, Just try to go straight to point we won't find that rude at all.😑
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