I'm getting addicted to buying cheap electronic modules on AliExpress. Help me.

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    if you do that on your phone, google and apple relesed recently functions to limit access to certain apps.
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    Who cares if theyre cheap.
    If you get addicted to buying them from your local vendor thats when you can start to worry.
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    @trickory the environment cares. It's really bad for the environment to import million of small parts flown around the whole planet. That's a lot of co2. Plus the chinese get filthy rich and your local stores have to close.
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    Hahahaha welcome to the club 😂🤣🤣
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    @heyheni Those planes are going to fly regardless of his letter being inside it. While what you said is true, it will not change the progress of globalization. I doubt that the chinese will get filthy rich because of some cents they earn by selling those components, the money lies elsewhere.
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    Join the club :3
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    Sorry there is no cure. We can only help you deal with the consequences and minimize the impact on your daily life
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    @trickory Well i couldn't afford that for very long with my pocket money :P
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    @jAsE components do last, consumer electronics don't. That holds true regardless of whether you buy directly from China or support the local wanketeers by buying from them sadly....
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    @jAsE I can’t agree on that. Basic Chinese electronic modules are tough pieces of hardware but great documentation is rare. One exception with great docs and git repo is Espressif, manufacturer of ESP8266 and ESP32
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