
Maybe I need this keyboard

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    I think we all do!!
    Seriously though, why isn't there a keyboard with easy and quick access to the keys we (devs) use the most?!?
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    @rodluz There are. For example: http://kaufmann.no/roland/dvorak/ (not tried personally)
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    There are actually loads of such keyboards around for programming;

    There is the fully programmable Ultimate Hacking Keyboard which allows for nearly endless key reassignment and out of regular attachments for off the usual place key positioning for them keys you use the most in your programming.

    There is the uber expensive Kinesis KB500 which is designed by programmers for programmers with attenton to the health of your hands and optimal key positioning.

    And finally my personam favorite, the WASD Custom Mechanical Keyboard which allows for near perfect mechanical hardware customization and color coding each individual key to your liking so that you can visually tell your most used keys on the board apart from the rest
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    @Gauthier I guess I just haven't googled enough but I will save that link thanks!
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    @codeRetard will most definitely look into them thanks!
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    @codeRetard I actually have two of the kinesis, love them!
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    @Gauthier I have heard nothing but rave reviews from anyone who has one but sadly they are not close enough for me to drop by and give it a go for myself. The price point is way too much for me to give a try cold Turkey tbh.
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    The joke is nice. But on the serious side: Remember the last time you typed a semicolon? I don't. Because I do it subconsciously already. Also I would not use the huge semicolon button on the picture, because that would mean to lift the right hand from the standard position press the huge button, which would need more force than the smaller buttons. And then put the right hand back to the standard position. All in all this would be slower and mean more effort.

    The semicolon is not the problem. One problem is navigating with the arrow keys, because of the same reason as told above (lifting right hand from standard position).
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    @codeRetard I was very lucky to start looking for one at the same time someone sold a used one for 100 euros. I actually like the used one more, someone else broke in the keys. They are far lighter than on the more recent one.
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    @Yeah69 One more nice thing about the kinesis, the arrow keys are right under your fingers at all times. The bad thing is the F-keys, they really suck and u have to look down to hit the right one. A new version of the keyboard came out this summer and has real switches for the F-keys, but their layout still sucks.
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    This one never gets old! hahaha
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    Yes! Please make this into a thing!
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    Honestly I'd end up breaking it by accident by dramatically slamming the button down at the end of the day
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