
So I finished my personal website. It works fine on every browser... Except IE. All JS functions pass the compatibility check and I don't get any errors. Great.

  • 2
    Congrats! You must feel good about it.
  • 2
    @Jumpshot44 I'm really satisfied especially considering that I haven't made a single website since 10 years ago or something when using tables and scrolling text was common practice. In a couple months I had to forget all that and learn HTML5 :) BUT at the same time it's annoying that IE won't get past the intro screen.
  • 3
    I'm curious, pass a link
  • 4
    Ok, that's really weird. I replaced a stupid CSS transform method to center an element with flex and now it loads. I don't even know why I didn't use flex to start with.
  • 2
    @620hun flexbox to the rescue! Autoprefixing is also a good idea for older IE clients. These days though, I would almost consider "doesn't work in IE" to be a feature.
  • 2
    @cjhowald I was about to put a script on the intro screen to detect IE and show a text saying "come back with a proper browser" or something like that, but first I wanted to switch to flex, and tadaa, it worked. So I deleted the IE text :D
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