What an irony...

  • 16
    "Protect" is green like the color your face gets when realizing that google is involved in PRISM.
  • 14
    Im going to just shim in to say that Google encryptions are actually military grade .... that they wont use your data for then own uses is another topic, but they sure as fuck wont let others get that data unless they agree upon it
  • 17
    @legionfrontier The best encryption is useless if you can't trust the one who holds the key.
  • 8
    @legionfrontier You mean except for the NSA? (@PonySlaystation awesome comment xD)

    And the encryption on my harddisk is also military grade, that doesn't say very much.
  • 3
    @linuxxx Do I even need to state the obvious what I mean "the ones they approve to it" ?
  • 1
    I just read it like:

    Go make it.
    We'll "protect" it.
  • 1
    what a joke by google, lol. they & facebook & twitter & etc. all clearly sell all your info not to mention pipe it directly to the gov
  • 1
    I read that like a caveman: "Go language, you make! Google protect!"
    Although I doubt this is directly referring to Go..
  • 1
    @legionfrontier I don't get your last sentence 😅
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