if you work at some company, do you work there because:

1. you enjoy programming

2. you like the company

3. you like the difficult challenge the company gives you to solve

4. just for a lot of money

5. you believe the software you're programming is going to help other people

6. other (please say what)


you can choose multiple options but please try to choose 1 that you think is the "deal breaker" on top of all options listed above.

  • 2
    Currently I need money while going through uni
  • 1
  • 1
    I need to like both the company's product and the people working on it (ie my colleagues). If I'm going to spend 40+ hours a week on it, I don't want to build garbage with idiots/douches.
  • 1
    Option 4 and 1. You can't do the work for much longer if you don't enjoy it. And sometimes 5 too.
  • 1
    All but my main reason is that I feel I can learn more at this company than at another one.
  • 1
    Because they pay me good.
    But because I love my job.
    But because I love to solve challenging problems.
    But because I love to code.
    And also the current company is trying to simplify law using technology.
    Honestly, to get paid, you need to work well, for which you need to love, for which you need to believe.
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