Whoever thinks that coding is easy.

Fuck you motherfucker stupid chicken head nugget sized brain faggots. You think all we do is smash keyboards in front of our screen and it poops code and creates beautiful applications? Fuck you in particular.

One of my friend says sitting on computer for whole day is the easiest thing. What the fuck motherfucker.
One fucking string can fuck your life forever. Innumerable hours will be wasted behind one simple fucked up logic. And u shithead say its easy.
Get into my shoes and let me bang your head on the keyboard and we will see how beautifully it poops code.

Stupid people.

  • 10
    I mean... for the majority of the time it is pretty easy..

    Granted bugs can be shit and not knowing how to do something can be shit too but other than that it isn't particularly hard...
  • 6
    @qwerty77asdf then you are doing something wrong with your life
  • 8
    @dreadedghoul haha how so?

    If I can do what I do with relative ease and I enjoy doing it-- where am I going wrong?
  • 8
    Problem is, that you can't see what's going on in there and how hard it can be to use all those freakin frameworks that do not work as you suppose them to.

    And nowadays it really looks easy. Everyone has a smartphone and now look at the millions of apps out there... if a non-tech looks at an app store he must think "If it would be hard there wouldn't be that much apps, right?"

    Most of them do not notice, that 99% is trash.
  • 2
    @dreadedghoul @ddephor how do you define easy? Easy as in you click a button and it is done or easy as in you don't have overt difficult and can continually do it.
    Ie. does being able to code a program continuously without having to stop and think really hard about what's happening count as easy?

    Obviously it takes time and effort to develop but as far as my definition of 'easy' goes, taking time and effort can still be easy.
  • 1
    @qwerty77asdf well where i work, its not a normal play store app, i cannot describe the work i do either. But for a fresher, it can fuck anyone up. Something related to Cloud.
  • 4
    Coding is easy, Ive never had to implement a new feature that I couldnt implement in a day.

    Doing it good, organized and clean that is difficult.
  • 0
    Just want to let you know that I have a million dollar app idea and you can code for me for me but I promise, it'll be worth it. I know coding is easy. 😊😂
  • 1
    @qwerty77asdf "Easy" is in direct relation the WTF-moments.

    These moments can occur anywhere and anytime, like bad API design, unexpected or unusual behaviour, misleading naming or documentation, etc., etc.

    It does not have to be others faults, it may be own stupidness or just temporary blindness.

    Example: I just tried Kotlin on Android and started with a simple example. After just a few lines of code I already found it not supporting binary data access (already ranted about https://devrant.com/rants/1777618/...). I could work around it, but with lots of overhead code. That's not my definition of "easy".

    And I'm permanently stumbling into those moments. Maybe I'm too demanding, but I've never done any reasonable development that just got through without bigger issues.
  • 2
    I've been a developer for 15 years and I can tell you that dude is right, 85% of the time is easy
  • 1
    Been coding for a while as well and I don't find it the overly complex topic you made it out to be my dude. Between devs we can estimate how easy or complex a task can be. Guess its all balls out when a non dev says it.
  • 2
    Hmmm I see where both @qwerty77asdf and the ranter are coming from... I mean, I'd bet LeBron James doesn't find basketball hard but by no means should playing basketball at his level be deemed easy by your average Joe.
  • 0
  • 1
    I have subscribed to you, sir.
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