
I'm new guy in programming. Sometimes I do compare java with python and I have weird conclusion.

Python code is shorter but for me much more "logical" & easier to read is Java. Maybe it due to fact that I don't understand what is going on under hood so shorter code feels incomplete?

  • 10
    Have you tried C++ yet? I think you may like it.
    Personally I think Java is crap for productive use, but it's a great start to learn objective oriented programming.

    Welcome to devRant! 😉
  • 2
    Im nowhere near new and like java too. Dont have to pay attention to understand the code
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    @PonySlaystation I used to program few small programs in C++ when I had 12 years (console based chess game, hello world etc.). Now I'm 25.

    Now I am trying to learn everything from scratch. I hope in future I will use this knowledge for fun as I used to in the past.
  • 6
    Why does it seem like Java is the language that is most often compared to Python? That's a weird comparison.
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    @tokumei i guess because they are both general purpose and easy to learn languages
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    I feel like Java is bloated with abstarction
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    a lot of people will tell you java is shit. ignore these retards. ebay and amazon sites are coded in java. the most demanded jobs are for java. so yeah
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    @JKyll which is not a curse in the language, but on people.

    Java frameworks are over engineered, so if you want to take part of them it will seem so. But propee practices and sound codebases make for a far superior experience in the long run.

    I can open up damn near any Java application and know where it starts and ends. The structure becomes good outside of your standard 1 page hello world flask api
  • 2
    Also not a new developer. I find Java easier to reason about than Python as well. For large and small projects alike.

    For me the main reason is the structure.

    There are no two ways about it in Java, whereas in Python a lot of people do shit in many different ways even though it contradicts the "there should be one and preferably one way to do things" moto in the language.

    It is still a beautiful language. My biggest complaint is synctactic whitespace really.
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    @JKyll whereas Python is down-and-dirty implementation as close to the HW as possible..?
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    @AleCx04 Honestly, the whitespace kills me... For the same reason, I really dislike yaml.
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    @piehole i can't dig yaml either man. Another language that comes to mind is coffeescript which also has synctactic whitespace. I just can't enjoy the idea of being forced to indent a certain way. I know its supposed to bring good practices but.....still don't like it.
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    @piehole lol absolutely not, I'm referring to the inheritance hell you see as someone pointed out it's a bit over engineered. Imo
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    Try using python libraries
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