Which umbrella do you guys use? I'm looking an umbrella for rain and should be portable so that I can fold and put it on my bag.

  • 2
    Not portable, not foldable... you'd have to show this umbrella so never put it away 😝
  • 2
    Just wear a jacket. My bag is water resistant and my laptop is in a water resistant sleeve as well.

    It'll have to be raining hard as fuck for it to do any damage, and I can guarantee I wouldn't be out walking around in that kinda rain lol
  • 3
    Rain Jacket > Umbrella
  • 1
    @devTea no rain jacket is better than my samurai sword umbrella...... except it's merch :x ⚔ 🗾 🍣
  • 0

    So i can stay dry and wet the surrounding mother fuckers.
  • 0
    You serious? Just go to a shop, man!
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