Is it just me, or are there any other devs, that just can't get going with python?
Every time, I try to do something, that is supposed to be simple, the language be like, "Bitch, hold on. I know I'm supposed to be the most simple language there is, but here I am again, to fuck you over. Your welcome.".
According to my friends, its actually just me.

  • 7
    Its just you...
  • 12
    Huh. For me Python is the one language where that doesn't happen. It just works.

    The only exception is the inability of Python to concatenate numbers and strings without explicit casting. I find that strange considering it usually doesn't give a shit about types.
  • 2
    @halfflat But you can trust the snake though. Python is both easy and reliable.
  • 1
    @metamourge Could you provide an example? I'm curious about what kinds of things it's screwing you over with.
  • 1
    What crazy thing did you do to python that it won’t work?
  • 1
    @deadlyRants what about encoding issues πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
  • 2
    Only some normal stuff, like marshal an object to JSON.
    No matter what I do, it always outputs "object isn't json serializable".
    I also didn't find a solution in the Documentation.
  • 1
    @metamourge The json module only knows how to serialize certain builtin types, it can't serialize any object instance out of the box.

    This article explains it well: https://realpython.com/python-json/
  • 0
    i just find python to be really boring 😞😞
  • 0
    @irene c++ is exciting due to how much one can do with it... and it's fun to use soooooooooo many language features and language not helping us 🀣🀣🀣🀣😁😁😁😁
  • 1
    I felt that way initially when modifying a Django project. More recently when I've had to work on it again running through the flow of data it makes a lot more sense. I'm quite impressed by the scope of he autogenerated admin backend.
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