
Finally! The laptop is filled !
Still don't have the Devrant sticker tho 😭😭😭
Will have to layer it up now!

  • 3
    How don't you????
  • 14
    There is still lots of room on that dell nameplate...
  • 6
    devrant sticker can go onto DELL :-D
  • 5
    I wonder what an average thief would look at this and think. Would these many stickers make the laptop worthless to him vs a laptop with no stickers ?πŸ€”
  • 2
    C++ sticker, want
    I can't seem to get a decent C++ sticker anywhere
  • 2
    Now flipping it over. Whoa so much space for stickers.
  • 3
    I still haven't received my unixstickers pack :(
  • 3
    Time for a new laptop!
  • 1
    Not a single sticker yet😣
  • 1
    PyData Delhi, Noice.
    Also, how did you get ethereum stickers?
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    @thekaleidoscope a friend gave me the etherium sticker, she got em from a hackathon they sponsored.
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    @Akatana For the time being my allegiance lies with Dell 🀣. Won't hide it.
  • 1
    @HoloDreamer for me it's much more valuable now. !!!
  • 1
    @RememberMe I have a few more c++ stickers πŸ˜… They are not very decent TBH, but you can take it from me of you want.
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    @gymmerDeveloper I'd layer it up. 😬 Or save em for a new laptop probably. Though I won't be buying one any soon.
  • 1
    @vocuzi damnnnn contact them , they'd resend. I haven't received the Devrant stickers yet. 😭
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    @brahn this one's barely an year old. Can't have a new one yet. πŸ˜…
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    @rhinohack attend hackathons fella! Best way to get free swags !
  • 1
    @ceee oh wow, that's super generous of you, thanks! But wouldn't it be a rather large amount of effort for a bunch of stickers?
  • 1
    so, is it Linux which is inside or FreeBSD? just curious.
  • 0
    @HIGHphen haha Its Linux , I forgot to remove freeBSD that sticker I applied mindlessly long time ago. πŸ˜… Guilty.
  • 2
    @ceee I haven't received devrant ones either :(
  • 1
    @-BSD kinda... But Idc, I like it when it comes to hackathons. @RememberMe maybe ,but you live in Delhi right,we live in the same city it'll not be big problem.
    But wait, after thinking again ,I feel it'll be a lot of effort 🀣
  • 1
    @vocuzi πŸ˜…πŸ˜Άβ˜ΉοΈ
  • 3
    @ceee hmm, that depends on where you live, if I'm passing through a common area (a metro station or something) sometime I can pick them up. If you're comfortable with that, do you want to continue this on Discord or something?
    Otherwise, it's cool, thanks for offering anyway, much appreciated.
  • 0
    @RememberMe you attending devfest ?
  • 1
    @ceee heh, nah, not really my field. Also, I'm not super fond of Google. Besides, isn't it invite-only or something?
  • 1
    @RememberMe yeh, invite only event but this time almost everyone who applied got an RSVP.
    It's ok, the quality of the sticker will probably disappoint you after you get em πŸ˜…, I don't think it's worth the time πŸ˜….
  • 1
    @ceee yeah, thanks anyway.
  • 1
    @RememberMe whoa u from India. Didn't expect that. Thought you from States.
  • 2
    @gymmerDeveloper lol no
    I'm a fairly typical momos-and-chaat loving, Hindi mein gaali dene waala resident of Delhi.
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    @gymmerDeveloper @RememberMe
    πŸ˜… i guess None of you are attending devfest πŸ˜… that was my plan.
  • 1
    Guess what! I got my stickers :P
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    @retard congrats 🀣
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    @kenogo but i don't have the Devrant sticker 😭😭😭 i still haven't recieved them.
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    @CodePatronus gdg events and one from a teaching assistant, got it in class for completing some assignment.
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    @evilcoder haha thanks ,it looks a little different now. 😬
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    @evilcoder spot the differences πŸ˜‚
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    @evilcoder yes you missed 1
  • 0
    @evilcoder correct now
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