that's why I have trust issue

  • 8
    It's judging the security of a password purely via its entropy it seems. That is the proper way to evaluate password strength alongside making sure it is not vulnerable to a dictionary brute force attack. They don't seem to be doing checks for the latter hah
  • 49
    I should probably make a whatisthebalanceonmycreditcard.com website
  • 2
    Oh, Christ, it's real.
  • 4
    @orseji I did once but literally disconnected my router first and restarted the entire browser afterwards xF
  • 14
    I think I broke it 😂😂
  • 1
  • 1
    @CodeAlex It's all entropy my man XD
  • 2
    Entropy is an incredibly hard thing to measure accurately - there's many papers dedicated to the subject, and afaik it's generally still considered an open problem.
  • 1
    @stacked LoL
    And then the amount will decrease magically and drastically :P XD
  • 0
    The score you get for the length of your passwords matters for this algorithm, i remember a website where you could put in a password and it would check from its rainbow list and try to crack it.
  • 1
    this is why you just run uuidgen to generate your passwords
  • 0
  • 0
    @meeps uuids still have some structure and a fixed length. A string of random characters is more random and therefore better.
  • 0
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