Hey DevRant Fam! Hope everyone is doing very well!, I’ve been browsing job posts lately... I’m just finishing off my 2nd year in uni, and i came across this beauty by a company called “WestBury Partners” these blokes are based in Sydney’s CBD i believe and they’re offering what seems to be 200k+pa now as a junior that seems quite difficult to get but anything is possible

Though I’ve seen the requirements and I’m not sure I understand some of them, one i seem to have and understand is having a high level of passion in software development but the rest i don’t know much about 😅🤓.

Are these guys looking for “unicorns”? I am interested in trading software and how they work, i love learning new things i will attach a screen shot of the page :-).

Hope everyone has an amazing day or night wherever you may be! Also I very much thank you for reading my post it means a lot to me!

Best wishes ❤️

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    some iot shit
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    @vane idk bro :'D
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    @KingMilo ok I know what they’re doing - trading finance robots, boring and lots of math.
    You can look at quantopian notebooks it’s similar, they have some api, online IDE and there are contests.
    That’s the job offer you posted.
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    @vane I really appreciate your kind response :-), now that you have mentioned 'lots of math' i am unfortunately no good at math :-( , so i'm assuming this is for the stock market?, you mentioned that its boring? :o why's that mate? curious to know:D cheers!
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    Yeah stock, forex, derivatives, financial products. You develop mathematic equations and run them against old data from multiple sources. Read about linear regression stock prediction to get familiar with it.

    It’s boring because money isn’t real. So you don’t interact with it so much. Funny development is when something is moving like ex car or radio wave or network protocol data.

    quantopian ide https://quantopian.com/algorithms/
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    @vane That's a very interesting point, I'll definitely check it out, btw i very much appreciate your time commenting :D, thanks mate :-)
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    I try to get to sleep 😴 I have 3-4 hours after I need to get up do something for customer 😂
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    @vane You will be alright mate, good luck :D
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    @KingMilo extreme movements are space and nasa like gps satellites are using einstein equations of general relativity to predict your location in spacetime continuum 😂😂😂
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    @vane 'extreme' no doubt those are a bit too 'extreme' XD
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    @KingMilo spacex, virgin galactic, blue origin. When you will be finishing your studies those companies would be sending people to space.
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    @vane That's interesting,,, as my studies finish late next year, maybe not when i finish, but its possible :D
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    @KingMilo go for it search for national space agency, or some local space technology startups they got different job offers.
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    @vane Interesting, will do :-)
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    Many of requirements seems very vague. They want someone comfortable with OO programming and interested in stock market. That’s it. They didn’t mention what stack they are using. So you might need take a look at their another position to find out what they actually want
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    @sunfishcc hi Sun! Thank you, I really appreciate the kind response :-)
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