To me it seems that Software eng has become a „I wanna get rich“ thing..

Too many idiots do it and think they’ll get tons of money..
Not that many new geeks because of that..

Also, I feel like the mentality has switched from quality oriented to shiny oriented..
3/4 of new Software i use contains serious bugs that don’t get fixed because it takes time..

  • 8
    Well, programming tools get replaced with shinier ones, instead of better ones.
  • 9
    A lot of that is down to timescales and the demands of the sales teams. They generally don’t want something fixed, rather the next shiny thing to make a sale.

    That’s the problem at the minute, too many places are letting sales dictate the quality of what’s released when it shouldn’t be that way
  • 4
  • 2
    @bluescreen true. However, the devs are the ones who deliver instead of fighting for more time..
  • 5
    Welcome to capitalism.
  • 1
    Good software engineers don't really care about the user interface if it just works. Whether or not it [the code] works is the main issue.
  • 1
    @varikvalefor yeah, that’s what I’m saying;)
  • 0
    Hate it. Give me some well-written and maintained code any day.

    When I read stuff like "we use an agile software development process!" that translates to me as "we just hammer out code and don't bother with much beyond that".
  • 2
    @varikvalefor a good software engineer is concerned about the whole system from ui to the driver and in some circumstances the hardware it runs on. To say that they are only interested in the code is a little short sighted I think.... sorry!
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