I don't care if it is Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z. Can we just unify it across all programs?

  • 3
  • 5
    Interesting, ctrl+y is "paste" for me.
  • 1
  • 7
    @Nhil wtf? For paste is ctrl + v
  • 4
    @h4xor found the non-emacs user! ;)
  • 0
    @xzvf but that makes sense
  • 15
    I do care. It must be Ctrl-Shift-Z and the reason is very clear: going forward and backward just requires adding or removing the shift modifier, not going to a completely different key on the other side of the keyboard.
  • 1
    It should be Ctrl+W
  • 2
    @devios1 Not to mention things like how MS Word interprets Ctrl + Y as “redo the last action”, *not* redo what I just undid.

    That said, MS’s undo-that-undo is annoying; too easy to get an unexpected response in my experience, often losing what you were trying to get back in the process because you undid it, and then promptly replaced it with an errant action in the undo buffer.
  • 3
    mfw when i deleted dozens of lines with ctrl-y
  • 0
    On German keyboards Y and Z are swapped. You either have to reach over the whole keyboard while holding ctrl with your pinky or use both hands. It gets worse when the shift-key is added...
  • 3
    @devios1 crtl + shift + z gang forever
  • 0
    @alhaza bruh you need to control your W cause you must be high
  • 2
    ctrl+u, anyone?

    Though my ++ goes to ctrl+shift+z; it's the only one that makes sense.
  • 5
    Ctrl+Shift+Z. Always Ctrl+Shift+Z.
  • 0
    Ahem, <u>
  • 2
    Historically speaking, I’m pretty sure Apple pioneered a lot of these early shortcut keys and a lot of the keys were used for other things and thus not all of the shortcuts ended up being the first letter of the word.

    For example, Paste was not Cmd-P because Cmd-P was Print. Similarly undo couldn’t be Cmd-U because that was already used for Underline.

    Sadly I don’t remember what Redo was on those machines. I think it may have just been Cmd-Z again and it would only toggle between the last two states (undo/redo) but I don’t recall.
  • 1
    @devios1 You’re on the right track. ZXCV are all in a row and adjacent to the left (and therefore presumably, non-mouse-using) hand—and right above the Command key, to boot. Add in the bonus that C for Copy and X for Cut already made natural sense, the other editing actions fit naturally into the workflow from there.

    Now, for non-QWERTY users, well...
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