This rant is dedicated to all the fuckers that like their own post on Facebook. Congrats.

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    @Jilano lol !true
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    @Jilano OK you got me Sherlock. I give up.
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    Post, like, comment
    One man army
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    I used to like my own stuff just for the LuLz. Also, fuck sheep authority, why shouldn't I do it? It's there, who are you to say I can't do it, without providing a good reason?
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    @Quirinus You post something that you like. But liking your own post makes you look like this....
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    @ckoulatsi I don't care what some random or unimoprtant people think about me on Facebook, of all things. People I know know me, and they will take it as a joke or simply ignore it - others can go suck a cactus for all I care.
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    @Quirinus You care much more than you think and thats very obvious on your comment. If you didn't care you would have moved along after reading my rant. Continue to lick your ballz after each post you do on facebook and have fun with it.
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    @ckoulatsi You're not very smart, are you? Go suck a cactus.

    You are conflating me not liking people like you with me caring about a thumbs up button.

    You are also assuming things you do not know (I do not use Facebook).
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