
Accidentally reset my editor and got default light theme. Strangely feels good. After 5 years dark theme starting to get boring. Guys, whats happening to me? am I sick?

  • 9
    Nope, you're just choosing what's best for you.
  • 3
    Maybe you have had a negative filter on the whole time
  • 3
    You became human again. You are an outcast. Guys NSA has caugh and turn one of us....be on RED ALERT
  • 1
    You are probably just getting old.
  • 1
    Light theme is good.. dark theme is sometimes hard to focus.
  • 1
    Nah, I was using light theme and not using dark at all, nowhere since earlier I was just feeling bad with it.

    And then one day, few months ago I was just switching the editor to dark, and it 'stuck' that way.
  • 0
    @irene only a sick person would claim such a thing
  • 1
    I like solarized light when it's bright around me.
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